Roger Eugene Hill
The life, career, scientific and spiritual insights of a physicist plus a few excursions into Complexity Science and Art.

Research Gate
The Non-local Vacuum: A Framework for New Physics Beyond the Standard Models.
Popular Summary of the Non-local Vacuum Paper

My paper, "Non-local Vacuum: A Door to New Physics", presents a novel cosmological model, called the Horizon Model, that proposes that the event horizon of a white hole is the source of the observable universe. This information-theoretic model is based on the assertion of the theoretical physicist John Archibald Wheeler that the most fundamental element of reality is information (“it from bit”). The singularity at the center of the white hole is the source of tiny quantum bits of binary probability (qubits) that make up the vacuum, which is the interior of the expanding white hole. Time does not exist inside the vacuum so it is non-local (causality does not apply) and all the qubits are quantum entangled.

The energy density of the vacuum decreases with the number of qubits it contains. The model is tied to observation by calculating the number of qubits required for the vacuum to have about the same energy density as the observable universe. Comparing this with estimates made elsewhere of the number of bits (entropy) in the observable universe, the model finds there to be an enormous number of non-local qubits (ten thousand trillion) for every bit of local reality on the horizon. This leads to the prediction that the white hole horizon had instantaneously inflated to a non-local size of 10-26 m before local spacetime expansion began. This is in agreement with the ad-hoc theory of cosmic inflation required to explain features of the observed cosmic microwave background.

The model introduces a new cosmological parameter, P, the ratio of the vacuum energy density to the local energy density. Variations in P can resolve a discrepancy in observations of the rate of spacetime expansion representative of the state of the universe at early times and at a time some 800 million years later (the Hubble tension).

New physics associated with the model includes the study of dark energy as the non-local energy driving the expansion of the white hole. Another new challenge is to understand how an enormous network of entangled qubits can give rise to a single bit of spacetime on the vacuum horizon. New physics will also be required to understand how P can depend on the local entropy (time). The new physics required by the model can be captured by extending Wheeler’s aphorism to be: “it from bit from qubits”.
A schematic of the Horizon Model.
The Model predicts that space had instantaneously inflated to a size of ~ 10-26m before time (spacetime) began.

What follows is a newspaper style announcement of the (possible) publication of my paper.

Behind the Horizon: The Invisible Vacuum and the Birth of Spacetime

A revolutionary new theory has emerged that challenges our understanding of the universe's origins. Instead of the traditional Big Bang model, this theory proposes a white hole universe where information rather than energy, is the fundamental building block of reality. This groundbreaking idea introduces the concept of a non-local vacuum, where time does not exist and information, in the form of quantum bits of probability, or qubits, are entangled.

Unlike the traditional Big Bang theory, this new model posits that the event horizon of a white hole is the true source of the observable universe. As the white hole expands, its interior—the vacuum—is filled with entangled qubits, forming a vast network of information. This information-theoretic approach is grounded in John Archibald Wheeler's assertion that information is the most fundamental element of reality (“it from bit”).

One of the most fascinating aspects of this new model, called the Horizon Model, is its alignment with the theory of cosmic inflation. By calculating the number of qubits required for the vacuum to have roughly the same energy density as the observable universe, the model predicts an instantaneous inflation of the white hole horizon to a non-local size of 10 -26 meters before cosmic expansion began. This remarkable finding offers a potential explanation for the widely accepted theory of cosmic inflation, which has long been invoked to account for certain features of the observed cosmic microwave background.

Another significant aspect of this new model is its potential to resolve the longstanding Hubble tension. By introducing a new cosmological parameter, P—the ratio of the vacuum energy density to the local energy density—this model offers a fresh perspective on the discrepancy in observations of the universe's expansion rate at different points in time. Variations in P could provide a more unified understanding of the universe's evolution.

Moreover, this novel model also offers a unique perspective on the enigmatic force known as dark energy as the non-local energy that is driving the expansion of the white hole. Developing the physics of the non-local vacuum offers a promising path forward in our ongoing quest to unlock the mysteries of the cosmos.

Publication status

The paper was submitted today (May 14, 2004) for possible publication in the journal Physical Review D, a very prestigious physics journal specializing in elementary particle physics, field theory, gravitation, cosmology, and astrophysics

Physical Review D has rejected the paper on the grounds that it is not suitable for their journal. They said they make no judgment about the quality of the work and recommended that I seek publication in a more specialized journal. I, with the help of the Inflection Company's AI bot called Pi, am doing a journal search to find a journal that is a good match for my paper. (May 20, 2024)

The journal search has turned up a number of potentially suitable journals for my paper. The paper has been rewritten in a style suitable for publication in the Springer Press journal Foundations of Physics and will be submitted to the editors in the next few days. (May 22, 2024).

Foundations of Physics has accepted my paper for publication pending peer review. At Last!! (May 25, 2024). The paper went under peer review by Foundations of Physics on June 9, 2024.
On July 20, 2024, the editors of Foundations of Physics informed me that the first review report had been generated and the paper has now been assigned for a second review process. Once that process is completed, the paper will be submitted for final decision. So, we wait.

Click here to view a PDF of the paper.
May 22, 2024
I presented a 10 minute talk on April 25, 2023 at the Virtual April Meeting of the American Physical Society in a session entitled "Cosmology and the CMB". The talk is entitled "The Non-local Vacuum, A Framework for New Physics" and presents the essence of the Horizon Model.

Click here to view a 10 minute video of my talk..
April 27, 2023.

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