Cosmic inflation from entangled qubits: a white hole model for emergent spacetime.
Summary and conclusions of the paper:
This paper presents the Horizon Model of cosmology (HM) that was developed for
the express purpose of eliminating the cosmological constant (vacuum catastrophe)
problem (Martin (2012)). It does this by assuming the energy density in the vacuum is
equal to the energy density of the observable universe. The foundation of HM is based
on the primacy of quantum information (Wheeler (1990)) leading to the understanding
that the first element of reality emerging from the Big Bang singularity, the Planck
region, is a qubit. The HM views the Big Bang singularity as the opening of a white
hole and the vacuum as the interior of that white hole. It invokes the Schwartzchild
solution and the Holographic Principle to calculate the number of qubits I
q required for
that equality. HM is tied to observation by comparing I
q to published estimates of the
number of Shannon bits (entropy), S, in the observable universe (Egan and Lineweaver
(2010)). The HM can then be used to calculate the properties of the vacuum and the
event horizon as a function of S.
The results for two particular values of S are presented here. Table 1 shows
the results for S=1 corresponding to t=0 and Tables 2 and 3 list the results for
104 bits corresponding to t=now.
The HM results for t=0 show that a bubble of 4x10
16 non-local entangled qubits
produced a quantized bit on the vacuum horizon from which the first bit of local spacetime emerged.
This first bubble is logically equivalent to the “inflaton” of the cosmic
inflation paradigm. According to HM, it had an energy density of 2
105GeV /m
3, a temperature of 7
23 K and a volume with an e-fold expansion relative to l
p3 of N = 60.9
+1.2-1.0. This is in good agreement with the
cosmic inflation paradigm which
requires N > 60 (Ellis and Wands (2023)). The large uncertainties in these results
reflect the uncertainties in the estimates of S by Egan and Lineweaver, ∆EL (Egan and
Lineweaver (2010)).
The ∆EL provided by Egan and Lineweaver are too large to permit meaningful comparison with measurements. So
the uncertainties in ∆EL were artificially adjusted to fix Ω
vac = 1.00 ± 0.01 ⇒ ∆Ω and
to fit the SH0ES measurement of H
0 = 73 ± 1.0 ⇒ ∆SH.
Using ∆Ω, the vacuum horizon is quantized in bits of area AS = 5.23 ±
The HM prediction for H
vac with ∆Ω is 67.9 ± 0.4 which is within 0.8σ of the H0
value measured by the Planck collaboration (Planck Collaboration (2020)).
The HM predictions for the vacuum pressure with ∆Ω is 7.77 ± 0.09x10
-10 Pa
while with ∆SH it is 9 ± 0.3x10
-10Pa. These are in agreement with measurements of
the pressure on the lunar surface made by NASA and the Chinese space program of
∼ 10
-10 Pa (Detian et al (2021)).
I am an experimenter/computer-modeler and this is obviously not a theoretical
paper but HM does point to a new direction for theoretical research. In HM, 3D+1
spacetime and matter/energy emerge from a quantized 2D surface surrounding a region
of entanglement. This is in keeping with current research on emergent spacetime.
But the specific basic question raised by HM is: How could a 3D bubble of 4x10
entangled (non-local) Planck sized binary qubits give rise to a quantized 2D horizon
from which emerges time, gravity and matter/energy? Other supplementary questions
present themselves. Could the qubits be a superposition of [gravitons,photons]? Is
time created through Heisenberg fluctuations among the qubits? Is time an emergent
9 resulting from the network of 4x10
16 entangled qubits? Does HM meet
Swingle’s criteria for compatibility with General Relativity (Swingle (2018))?
By the nature of HM, it is clear that theoretical research into these questions hold
promise of leading directly to a quantum theory of gravity.
[9: In the sense of Complexity Science ⇒the whole is greater that the sum of its parts because
of the network among them.]
My first attempts to get these ideas before the theoretical community stretch back more than 5 years.
If you'd like to read a history of my attempts to get these ideas published,
Click here.
I presented a 10 minute talk on April 25, 2023 at the Virtual April Meeting of the American Physical Society in a session entitled
"Cosmology and the CMB". The talk is entitled "The Non-local Vacuum, A Framework for New Physics" and presents the essence of the Horizon Model.