Instructions for
operating the Infinity Zoomer
The operation is very simple. Basically, you set the "Display " to "Mandelbrot Fractals", choose a "
Scheme", and choose the "Zoom Mode".The default zoom mode
is "Single click/tap" where you click/tap at the point on the boundary you want
to explore. Each click (tap) will increase the magnification by 2X
with the display centered on the point you clicked/tapped. The alternative is
the "Click (touch) and drag" facility that selects and defines a new viewing region. This facility has not yet been implemented
for mobil devices (8/27/14). You can change the Color Scheme at any point during the zooming.
The current coordinates of the mouse position in
the space of
complex numbers, C, as the Real part of C (horizontal) and
the Imaginary part of C (vertical) as well as the current magnification are displayed
at the bottom of the window. These 3 numbers uniquely identify a particular image. They are appended to
printouts of the image for future reference.